Wednesday, July 27, 2011

2011 Scout Camp with Daddy

Went on Scout Trip. Whole Week.

In the Stroller. Hot outside.

Boy pushed stroller in race. I feel good.

Boy feel good. I felt good. Three boys.

Greg feel good. Spend whole week with Daddy.

Happy on way home. Tired. Sleep in bed long time. 

Boys tired in race. Long time. 

Mommy came for dinner. I feel good. Campfire songs.

Scouts salute. I got to hold a flag.

Boys running fast. Laughing a little bit.


  1. Greg that is awesome! I'm glad you had such a fun time at scout camp.

  2. Greg you are awesome. I can't believe you spent the whole week at camp. I'm so glad you are a scout. I'm glad it was a special time to be with dad and the boys.
    Grandma Jo

  3. Greg! You ARE awesome! I'm so glad you had such a great time!! I love your great big bright smile and I love hearing your inspiring voice as you sing in church! You have the Spirit so strong on so many occasions! You are a great kid! Keep on smiling buddy!

  4. Hey Greg,
    What a great experience you had. It reminds me of some of my scout tips when I was your age. Keep on having fun.
