Sunday, July 11, 2010

Celebrating our Country's Birthday!

Up early to see balloons.  I touch balloon.  Balloons in sky.  I see Grandpa Raff!  

It was dark outside.  Waiting.  Loud sound.  (Sounded like Daddy's car breaking.)  Then it was pretty.  I have to squint my eyes.   More than one loud noise.  Was pretty again. 


  1. Greg, we saw the pink pig balloon in the sky too! Parker said the pigs name was "HAM" from Toy Story.

    It looked like you had a lot of fun camping with your dad. I'm glad you stayed dry sleeping in your hammock.

    Love you, Aunt Jayne :)

  2. Greg, I got up early to see the balloons this year too! It was a lot of fun to see them. I took a lot of pictures on my phone and I can show them to you sometime!

  3. Wow Greg, I have never seen those balloons before. I am so happy that you put the pictures up for me to see them. It looks like so much fun!
