Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Crazy Pancakes

Abby helping make pancake.
I was walking towards the pancakes.
A heart and box.

EmmyLou eating it.

Daddy made smile pancake.

Daddy making a pancake.
Joey flipping pineapple pancake.

Harry Potter very tasty.

Eating pancakes.

She making a pancake. I like crazy pancakes!

Friday, January 6, 2017

Just Dance (Greg danced too but we didn't get a photo.)

Abby had some cool moves. Greg danced too!

Mommy dancing. Arms up, foot in the air. Happy.

Joey dancing too. Like his cool moves.

Isaac and Hyrum and EmmyLou. Dance. 
Isaac arms up. Wave them around.
EmmyLou. Really good. 
You (me) like it.