Monday, April 8, 2013

Easter Eggs

A Picture of Easter Egg hunt
It was fun. Grandma Joe. I was telling you about Grandma Joe's picture. This happened Saturday morning. Walking. Bag for Easter Eggs. From Grandma Joe's lawn. I liked the walking. Felt Tired. Grandma Joe's lawn , outside. 

Abby Joey
The Easter Eggs! It is Abby Joey. Jamie and Jason. It was Saturday. Morning. I helped the Easter Eggs. I forgot. It felt good! Grandma Joe's house.

A Ball
A ball rolled over. That's Grandpa. Also last Saturday morning. I did not ride in ball. Too tired. Watched everyone. I liked it. It was red. Liked watching other people. Tired.
A Baby Hyrum. Walk. The baby and Mimi. This was Saturday Morning. I stayed outside. It was very cold. It was outside.